These are the terms and conditions of our agreement which apply to all purchases of products by you from allurepremium.com and you should read them carefully. We may vary these terms from time to time and therefore you should check them before you make a new purchase.


  • You can submit an order for products to allurepremium.com by completing the details required on the order summary page and clicking the place order button. All prices are reflected in PKR, providing delivery is to a location in the Pakistan. Orders outside of the Pakistan may be subject to an additional charge.
  • The display of any product on our website is in no way an offer by us to sell to you. It is your response that is the offer. Accordingly, we are not liable to sell you any product that might be quoted at a price lower than that meant by us.

Acceptance of order:

  • We will notify you of our acceptance of your offer to purchase by email shortly after we receive it and at that point a binding agreement between us will be in place on these terms and conditions*. If we do not accept your order for any reason or the price of the product has increased between the time of the order and our acceptance of it (or if a supplementary delivery charges applies), we will email you to advise you of the change. You will then need to resubmit your order. Only cash on delivery and bank transfer are acceptable as payment for orders via this site.


  • We make every effort to deliver all products within the Pakistan within seven working days of acceptance of your order. Where this is not possible, we or our couriers will notify you and, unless we state otherwise, ensure that your products are delivered within 30 days from acceptance. This may not apply in respect of deliveries outside of the Pakistan. All deliveries will be made to you at the address specified by you in the order. Ownership of the products shall pass to you once we have received payment in full.
  • For standard delivery, we charge all payments on cash upon delivery of goods. There are no hidden charges apply.